Lean Strategy™, is a simple, five-step process based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle that is an integral part of Lean.
During the Discover step, the Lean Strategy Coach collects background information about your organization and your industry. Preparations are also made for the planning session, including selection of the strategic planning team.
Once the team is ready to Plan, the Coach meets with a strategic planning team for a one-to-two day strategic planning session, where techniques like SWOTT analysis are used to develop a strategy. Lists of insights, needs and actions become the organization’s Lean Strategy Story.
When it’s time to Act, the individuals or teams carry out the strategic actions that they own. In addition, progress tracked for each action and for the strategy overall to make certain the team is on pace. During weekly coaching sessions, the Lean Strategy Coach provides advice and assists the team in identifying and making adjustments to improve results.
At least once per quarter, the strategic planning team meets to Refresh the strategy. Progress for the period is reviewed, new background information is incorporated into the plan and the lists of insights, needs and actions are updated. The team is ready to Act once again.
To inquire about a Lean Strategy engagement, contact Cedar Point Consulting using our online contact form
Or, click here to learn more about each step in the process, starting with Discovery.
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Carrie Berlin
Quisque tempus volutpat laoreet. Vivamus facilisis vehicula lobortis. Fusce eu libero dignissim, sagittis lorem non, molestie enim. Duis urna purus, efficitur viverra pulvinar id, vulputate id quam.
Zoohi Marie